Day 12 – Love extravagantly!

The prompts today did nothing for me, so I’ve chosen my own – love extravagantly!

I was on a conference call this evening to share metaphysical ideas with other Christian Scientists in preparation for a free talk we are sponsoring and cherishing which will be held on December 8th at the Franklin Park Conservatory at 11am.  It is entitled, “Harmony and Healing: The Enduring Gift of Christmas” and is open to the public.

One of the ideas shared by the speaker was a that she likes the version of the Bible from “The Message” and how Peterson interprets I Corinthians, chapter 13, specifically the last two verses.  It says:  “… we have three things to do to lead us toward that consummation:   Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly.  And the best of the three is love.”

I was struck by the phrase, “love extravagantly.”  As the speaker pointed out, we typically think of extravagance as being sometimes a bad thing – overindulgence, if you will, by those with lots of money.  But what struck me is how each one of us can love with such an abundance and richness that that love has to bring comfort and healing to all it rests upon.

Love, God, is a power that nothing else can trump and as children of God, Love, I believe we all are not only receptive to the good health that Love brings to each one of us, but that we can love as unconditionally as Jesus did, as God does.  We can work the works of God simply by loving extravagantly!

So, I challenge you to give to your own health today by loving everyone you meet extravagantly, openly with no reservations, no limitations and thereby witness the wonderful fruits of that love!

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