Live the life you love! Love the life you live!

I recently saw this image on a post I see as a LaBlast dance fitness instructor.  What struck me is the power behind these statements:

“Live the life you love.  Love the life you live.”


What does it mean to the live the life you love?  To me, it means discovering what you are passionate about, what moves you to wake up everyday and love each moment of the day, what drives you to be the best you, the most loving you, the most successful you, the greatest (not in a big ego kind of way) you, the determined you, the achiever you, etc. and living that!  What can be better than living everything you love?

What does it mean to love the life you live?  Well, we are each living and even if it isn’t quite what we may want at this moment, or perhaps we don’t even know what it is supposed to look like or be, we still have to love the life we are living now.  By loving the NOW of life, that loving impels and moves us to the life we envision and love.

Feeling stuck and not sure how to envision the life you love or how to live life and love it too?  Christian Science has the answer  – just live love, be love, love, love, love! And in the meantime, have a blessed week of giving thanks for all the good in your life now!



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