Motivation – What’s Yours? Where does it come from?

Motivation – where do you get it?  What is it for you?  What influences you or impels you?

motivate selfFor me, motivation comes from within me – it starts in my thoughts as I look to a higher source – for me, that’s God.  It is what I allow to influence me and I can choose to move myself forward relying on the power I’m filled with as a child of God, or I can crumple and stay in one place never making progress. These words by a deeply spiritual thinker, Mary Baker Eddy, really do ring true for me because she is referring to where we are placing our thought – on the side of good or evil:  ” Your influence for good depends upon the weight you throw into the right scale.  The good you do and embody gives you the only power obtainable.” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures)

This morning, I arrived at the gym only to realize I forgot my tunes and headphones.  There was a fleeting thought to turn around and walk out the door because I really do like to work out to music.  Sometimes I don’t listen to the words, rather I’m praying to the music while working out, but I just love the beat of the music – it impels me and gives me a reason to move whether I’m lifting or dancing.  Did I create an excuse and walk out the door when I realized I forgot my music?  ways-to-motivate-yourself-to-studyNo!  Instead I turned to God wholeheartedly and said, “okay, Father, I may not have the tunes, but I do have you and this time of moving to your voice and direction is enough to motivate me!”  So I spent the next hour getting in a great strength workout all the while praying about health, employment, home, and my right place and how God directs me.  God was directing my every step in the gym and I know He is directing my every step in life.  The good God provides is literally what motivates me every day to move and live. He is my way!


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