Christian Science Practitioner & Treatment

As I mentioned in the about me page, I was reared in the Christian Science faith and I live it daily.  One way I do that is by praying for others in their pursuit for spiritual healing. In Christian Science, we call that giving Christian Science treatment as a Christian Science practitioner.

When someone asks me, as a Christian Science practitioner, to give them metaphysical support, to “work for them,” to pray for them or to give them a Christian Science treatment, I start with already knowing the healing is complete because each one of us is a whole and perfect child of God and I work with the patient to help them understand their spiritual nature and relationship to God better.  That being said, I will usually provide the requested support moment to moment and day-to-day until the patient has witnessed the healing.

What this means is a continuation of prayer and affirmation of the patient’s perfection as a son/daughter of God.  It might include sharing inspiration with the patient, conversation with them about their own inspiration from study of the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy (Discoverer of Christian Science and Founder of the Christian Science church).

The above may seem deep to some, and it is, but I’m happy to share more.

I can be reached at if you wish to know about Christian Science healing and treatment or want to ask me to pray for/with you.

There are fees for my time to give specific treatments, but not for simply talking about what Christian Science and treatment mean.

I recently read the following definition of what a Christian Science treatment is by Mary Baker Eddy.  It was shared by  Judy Huenneke, archivist and researcher at The Mary Baker Eddy Library on page 39 of The Christian Science Journal, November 2011.

“…a Christian Science treatment is an absolute acknowledgement of the ever presence of Infinite Perfection.”

1 Response to Christian Science Practitioner & Treatment

  1. Linda Vara says:

    Joanne – how great to see you ‘out there’! Congrats. You have such a calm and loving thought. I look forward to reading more on your blog.

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