Tag Archives: Jesus

Day 13 – Health Giving Books (Book Report)

The prompt today to do a book report on my favorite book and how it ties to my health or life is pretty easy for me!  I actually could do a report on two books and if you’ve read my … Continue reading

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Day 12 – Love extravagantly!

The prompts today did nothing for me, so I’ve chosen my own – love extravagantly! I was on a conference call this evening to share metaphysical ideas with other Christian Scientists in preparation for a free talk we are sponsoring … Continue reading

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Day 11 – Favorite things improve life!

One of the prompts today for the health blog community I have contributed to was to “write about your favorite thing that is not health-related but likely improves your life.”  As I sit here thinking about it, I think everything is … Continue reading

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Day 8 – Dear Good Health

Dear Good Health, I am so grateful for you!  Yes, I’ve had a few challenges, and yet I have been so blessed for the source of you – God; and for the healing God has brought to me when I … Continue reading

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Day 3 – A conversation with my Physician

My Physician and I have conversations daily, hourly, moment-to-moment.  My Physician is God and He/She is always with me providing me with guidance, ideas that heal and the understanding to help others find healing simply by strengthening their relationship with … Continue reading

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A new month of posts – all health-related in some way!

WHAT KEEPS ME HEALTHY! I ran across a blogging community sponsored by WEGO health which is celebrating National Health Blog Post Month for the month of November, where if you join, you agree to write every day about health or … Continue reading

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Forgive? Really? Do I have to?

I’ve always considered myself a very forgiving person and find it easy to forgive.  However, a couple of years ago something happened in my life where I found it hard to forgive two people.  And although not right at the … Continue reading

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